Ashwagandharishtam Benefits
Ashwagandharishtam is the fermented Arishta preparation of a group of herbs of which Ashwagandha or Ashwagandham is the primary ingredient. The Scientific name of this well-known herb Ashwagandha is Withania Somnifera.
Ashwagandharishtam is known for its varied medicinal properties. It can help significantly to reduce blood sugar levels and cortisol levels. It helps to reduce anxiety and stress. It is abundant in antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and sleep-inducing, therefore very helpful in insomnia. One of the most well-known properties of Ashwagandharishtam is its positive effect on libido. And it is only a few of the many other unusual medicinal properties possessed by this magical ayurvedic medicine.
Ayurveda recognized the tremendous medical potential of Ashwagandha ages back. Therefore, Ashwagandha is used in numerous Ayurvedic medicinal preparations. One such compound is Ashwagandharishtam.
Ashwagandharishtam Ingredients
About thirty ingredients go into the preparation of Ashwagandharishatm. While the majority are herbs, some are carriers, catalysts, and bases.
Most important ingredient is all elements of herb Ashwagandha, namely the roots, leaves, fruits, stem, and leaves. Apart from all Ashwagandha elements, various other herbs and spices are added to enhance medicinal effects of this arishtam and to increase its absorption in the body.
Arishta in Ayurvedic medicine is the fermented preparation of herbs. Constituent herbs are powdered to form a decoction. This decoction is fermented to create Arishta. Even though the process can be stated simplistically like this, preparing Arishta is a highly complicated and involved process.
Ashwagandharishtam is the fermented preparation of herbs, mainly Ashwagandha. Recipe including the ratio of constituent ingredients is explained in the Classical Ayurveda text Bhaishajya Rathnavali. There are about thirty ingredient herbs.
Following is a list of prominent ingredients. For the exact list and their respective ratios and volumes, refer to Bhaishajya Rathnavali.
Common Name | Botanical Name | Element |
Ashwagandha | Withania Somnifera | Root |
Musali | Chlorophytum Tuberosum | Root |
Manjishta | Rubia Cordifolia | Root |
Haritaki | Terminalia Chebula | Fruit |
Turmeric | Curcuma Longa | Rhizome |
Daruharidra | Berberis Aristata | Stem |
Licorice | Glycyrrhiza Glabra | Root |
Rasna | Pluchea Lanceolata | Root and Leaf |
Vidari | Pueraria Tuberosa | Root |
Arjuna | Terminalia Arjuna | Stem |
Mustaka | Cyperus Rotundus | Rhizome |
Trivrit | Ipomoea Turpethum | Root |
Indian sarsaparilla | Hemidesmus Indicus | Root |
Krishna Sariva | Cryptolepis Buchanani | Root |
Indian Sandalwood | Santalum Album | Core |
Red Sandalwood | Pterocarpus Santalinus | Core |
Vacha or Vayambu | Acorus Calamus | Rhizome |
Chitraka | Plumbago Zeylanica | Root |
Ashwagandharishtam Benefits
According to traditional Ayurvedic texts, following disorders can benefit from consumption of Ashwagandharishta:
- All Vata induced disorders, unconsciousness, epilepsy, emaciation, hemorrhoids, weak digestion
- It has shown significant beneficial recuperative results in cases of paralysis
- It significantly improves the blood circulation. It acts as a heart tonic and prevents plaque formation in the heart as well as blood vessels. It also helps to reduce high BP.
- Apart from enhancement of blood circulation, it is also capable of blood purification. Thus, it can be used in diseases related to blood and skin.
- It has excellent anti-oxidant properties. It prevents neurodegeneration by scavenging the free radicals. Hence it is an extraordinary remedy for all kinds of neurological disorders.
- Patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and epilepsy can also benefit from regular use of Ashwagandharishtam.
- It has demonstrated excellent benefits in cases of depression, stress, anxiety disorder, and insomnia. Because of its stress-relieving and anti-oxidant action, it is an immunity booster of choice.
- One of the most talked about, and widespread use of Ashwagandharishtam is in the area of enhancing male potency. It positively affects the spermatogenesis and regulates the male hormones. Besides its overall effect on the body regarding the stress relief and immunity booster also contribute to its property of being a potency booster.
- View an interesting research publication on benefits of Ashwagandharishtam.
Usage, dosage and side effects of Ashwagandhrishtam
As always, do not treat Ayurveda and Ayurvedic medicine as a DIY science. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner to find out if Ashwagandharishtam is the right medicine for you. Your Ayurvedic practitioner will make a proper diagnosis and will recommend the individual dosage and the duration for which you should consume Ashwagandharishta.