Cervical spondylosis and Ayurveda

cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a common degenerative condition that worsens with age. It is associated with wear and tear of disks in the spine of the neck. Bone spurs and osteoarthritis commonly accompany this condition.

People with cervical spondylosis generally experience inflammation in the neck and shoulder regions. Inflammation may be also present along the length of the spine or in one-half of the body.

Pain and inflammation are mainly due to this degeneration. The cervical discs shrink narrowing the space needed for the spinal cord. When spinal cord gets pinched, people experience a number of signs and symptoms. Cervical spondylosis symptoms include aching pain radiating from the shoulder up to the elbow, an unexplained pain in the lower back sometimes spreading to the whole body and feeling feverish.

A bitter taste in the mouth, a general heaviness, and loss of appetite are some of the noticeable inflammatory symptoms associated with this degenerative neck condition.

Other common symptoms associated with cervical spondylosis

  • Neck stiffness worsening over time
  • Loss of sensation or an abnormal sensation in the shoulder and arm
  • Weakness in the arms
  • Headaches that mimic a tension headache
  • Pricking pain, numbness of fingers
  • Other nerve irritations

Less common Symptoms may include

  • Giddiness
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Difficulty with fine motor movements

Cervical Spondylosis in Ayurveda

Ayurveda considers cervical spondylosis as an aggravated vata condition.

Due to excess work, trauma or exertion, vata dosha increases throughout the body creating an imbalance with the two other doshas. Aggravation of vata dosha in the weak neck region leads to a reduction of kapha dosha leading to pain, stiffness and inflammation.

Ayurvedic management of Cervical spondylosis 

  • Local application of heat with Ayurvedic herbs which have  anti-inflammatory properties
  • Oil massage followed by sudation with poultice
  • Ayurvedic physiotherapy to improve blood circulation and increase intervertebral disc space
  • Nasya
  • Ayurvedic and herbal massages to improve muscle strength,
  • Massage to improve cartilage rebuild and to reduce the nerve irritation
  • Internal ayurvedic herbal combinations for nourishment that may speed up the healing

Dietary changes to support ayurvedic management of spondylosis

  • Following a strict ayurvedic diet compatible with your dosha type
  • Avoiding acidic, cold and deep fried food
  • Reducing exposure to cold climate

Lifestyle changes to support ayurvedic treatment of spondylosis

  • Using special neck supporting pillow
  • Use chairs that give good back and neck support
  • If working on a computer set the screen up
  • Avoid wearing high heeled footwear
  • Do neck stretching exercises regularly