Endometriosis Ayurveda in treatment
Ayurwoman has several years experience in treatment with endometriosis, fertility, PCOS and other related women’s health issues.
I wish to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to you for your exceptional specialist knowledge and wisdom of Ayurveda.
When I first came to see you (end April 2013), I was ‘riddled’ with ‘disease’: severe endometriosis, functional bowel disease, autoimmune disease and various mental health disorders.
Today (September 2013) I am a new woman! By following the custom designed program, you prepared for me, together with your caring support, I have achieved results I never imagined possible.
The severe symptoms I suffered from endometriosis and bowel disease have all but disappeared. A blood test taken this month is evidence of the significant transformation; I am very fertile, and my hormones are in the balance.
I no longer suffer from bloating, cramps, irregular bleeding, bowel symptoms, pelvic pain and associated mood fluctuations.
You are a blessed and gifted healer – thank you so much Jyothi
We, at Ayurwoman, feel validated receiving testimonials like the one mentioned here from our patients. A condition such as Endometriosis that is both mentally stressful and physically debilitating needs a particular kind of treatment and care. Our ancient texts of Ayurveda have outlined a series of therapies that heal and comfort.
Stay with us here as we share with you this knowledge that will encourage you to take our healing hand.
Endometriosis Treatment
Let us begin with understanding the methodology we follow at Ayurwoman to help treat endometriosis.
Endometriosis treatment in Ayurveda is a combination of ayurvedic herbal preparations and ayurvedic treatments. A full spectrum Panchakarma treatment for endometriosis going through the rigour of all the cleanse phases may be highly beneficial. Yoga in general and some specific yoga postures have been recommended during and after ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis. For Ayurvedic treatments to yield quicker results, lifestyle changes are necessary. An ayurvedic endometriosis diet acts as a catalyst to endometriosis treatment.
What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a chronic disease that can affect women in their reproductive years. The word endometriosis comes from the word endometrium. The lining membrane inside the uterus is called endometrium. “Endo” implies inside, and “metra” means uterus or womb. This lining grows inside the uterus each month and then bleeds away during a period. Endometriosis is a condition where small pieces of endometrial tissues seen in places outside the uterus that bleed into the peritoneal cavity and trigger pain, local inflammation and scarring.
The physiology of endometriosis
Typically endometriosis symptoms are recurrent bouts of severe pelvic pain which radiate to the rectum or bladder. The pain is often stronger during sexual intercourse.
Walls of the pelvis or the surface of pelvic organs are some common places for endometriosis lesions. Uterus, Ovary, fallopian tubes, uterine and ovarian ligaments, bladder and bowel, may also sometimes have endometriosis lesions. In some rare cases, these lesions can be seen even in distant organs like the diaphragm, lungs, and brain.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms we have talked of here, don’t waste a moment in contacting our Ayurvedic Practitioner in Melbourne. We have your well-being in mind at all times!
Following are some of the most common endometriosis symptoms
- Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods)
- Pain or dull ache during ovulation
- Pelvic pain between periods
- Pain during bowel movement
- Dyspareunia (painful sex)
- Heavy bleeding with clots and mucus
- Bleeding between periods
- Difficulty getting pregnant (infertility)
- Depression and tiredness
- Other symptoms like small lump in the umbilicus and pain below the ribs
Do you wonder what is causing endometriosis in your body? We have information for you here! The cause of endometriosis is unknown, but there are many possible reasons for this condition.
Hormone imbalances
High levels of estrogen can be a cause of endometriosis. Hormonal imbalances are particularly the case for women who have never become pregnant.
Retrograde menstruation or Metastatic theory
Endometrial tissues are transported through the vascular or lymphatic channels into the peritoneal cavity in a retrograde fashion. In other words, a sort of “mechanical mistake” causes menstrual regurgitation into the peritoneal cavity rather than getting out through the vagina. These endometrial tissues along with period blood implant on the pelvic organ surface and grow into endometriosis.
Metaplasia theory
Some embryonic cells in the peritoneum lining the pelvis are precoded to change into endometriosis during the fertility period.
Another contributing factor in endometriosis is lower immunity levels.
Hereditary reasons: Hormone imbalances may pass from mother to daughter.
Environmental: In certain cases, Endometriosis has links with Environmental toxins.
We have for you the natural and holistic treatment and therapies that Ayurveda has written in its age-old texts. Ayurwoman in Melbourne and our practitioner Jyothi is available for your consultation and treatment.
Endometriosis treatment in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, endometriosis treatment correlates with a type of gynecological disease called Udaavartinee. The presence of painful and delayed menstruation, relief of symptoms after menstrual flow and retrograde menstruation are symptoms of Udaavartinee. Retrograde menstruation is believed to be a cause of endometriosis.
The Ayurvedic state of Vata governs all movements in our mind and body. Vata also controls breathing and movement of thoughts in our mind. Vata controls the flow of blood and is responsible for the elimination of waste products from the body. Vata is considered the leader amongst all the three doshas as Pitta and Kapha cannot move or exist without Vata dosha.
So, the first step in endometriosis treatment is to correct the Vata imbalance.
A subdivision of vata named apanavata is responsible for the downward flow of blood (menstruation). Apanavata is liable for all excretory functions. A deranged apanavata can change the flow of blood (pitta) and can disturb the Kapha dosha to grow in places other than regular sites.
The sensation of pain is also due to disturbed vata. Vata is the strongest and influential force which is responsible for the displacement of endometrial tissue.
In endometriosis, all three doshas are involved in varying combinations. Your practitioner will suggest a customized treatment plan which will be prioritized based on dosha combinations required.
Endometriosis treatment in Ayurveda uses treatments and medication for increasing metabolism (ushna) with vata Kapha pacifying treatments and gulma treatments for gas, bloating, constipation, delayed periods are prescribed. Supplement Pitta treatments in case of excessive bleeding and burning sensation.
Read on about our treatments for endometriosis. Do you see yourself classified as one of the mentioned types?
Specific endometriosis treatments
Ayurveda classifies Endometriosis into mild, moderate and severe types. In Ayurveda, endometriosis treatment can be very effective in mild and moderately severe types. Ayurvedic treatments can be a supportive therapy to the severe types where involvement and adhesion of pelvic organs like uterus, bladder, and bowel are involved.
Here is what Ayurvedic medicine has to offer to you. Try this and let us help alleviate your pain.
Ayurvedic medicines for endometriosis
- Ayurvedic herbs specific to an individual’s body type is used in endometriosis treatment to reduce pain and abnormal vata movements
- Kapha pacifying ayurvedic preparations to reduce growth, lysis, adhesion and to maintain fertility
- Pitta pacifying herbal preparations to reduce excessive bleeding
Abhyanga for endometriosis
Abhyanga the familiar therapeutic ayurvedic massage routine and sweating is a good therapy to manage endometriosis. Massage and sweating, especially in the pelvic area and below with medicated hot sit baths, are beneficial. Please don’t treat Abhyanga as DIY. Consult an experienced Ayurveda practitioner for suggestions and advice.
Panchakarma for endometriosis
Panchakarma is the deep cleanse in Ayurveda. To know more about methods and benefits of Panchakarma, please read our section dedicated to explaining Panchakarma. Panchakarma treatment for endometriosis serves as a holistic cleanse. Panchakarma is not only beneficial as a treatment option for endometriosis, it can also provide you with long lasting health and rejuvenation benefits.
All phases of Panchakarma are helpful in managing Endometriosis. Medicated Purgation or medicated enema will eliminate toxins and the balance the vitiated vata. Purgation will also improve digestive and metabolic fire (Koshtagni).
Uttaravasthi or Uttar Basti: This is a specially medicated enema to remove the endometrial growth and adhesion.
Ayurveda has always maintained, treatments effectively go hand in hand with lifestyle changes. These in combination can work magic wonderfully!
Endometriosis diet
Diet has a significant role in Ayurvedic treatments. Select your diet in such a way that the food we consume should be a catalyst to the ayurvedic medicines that we consume during the treatment phase. Food should not act in counter-productive fashion thereby reducing the efficacy of the treatment.
One of the goals of the treatment is to control and manage vata dosha. While Ayurvedic medicines attempt to control Vata, patients should not consume any food that is likely to increase the vata energy.
How do you manage your diet?
We provide a comprehensive diet chart to every individual seeking our help. Our ayurvedic diet charts are customized based on your dosha complexion and your treatment. Your Ayurvedic diet chart is not on a pre-printed form populated with check boxes. It is thoroughly customized so that you take full advantage of your treatment. Since this is customized, this may not be beneficial to another individual with same or similar indications.
To make the endometriosis Ayurvedic treatment effective, one will have to follow an endometriosis treatment specific diet. For making the treatment further propitious, follow an ayurvedic diet throughout. Rather than following an endometriosis diet, it will be much more rewarding health wise to follow an Ayurvedic diet to support endometriosis treatment and for life after your cure.
Endometriosis diet principles
- Avoid vata and Kapha increasing foods
- Avoid fried food, cold drinks, fatty food and dry foods especially during periods
- Consume food which can help in regular bowel movement
Lifestyle changes to support endometriosis treatment
- Don’t hold natural urges
- Avoid sex just before, during and soon after periods
- Exercise regularly to maintain healthy body weight
- Practice Yoga Yoga will help in maintaining a good breathing rhythm and will provide relaxation
- Practice pranayama the breathing exercise
Yoga for endometriosis
Experts believe some specific yoga postures can have a catalytic effect in Ayurvedic treatment of endometriosis. Pranayama the breathing exercise is a very easy yoga posture that can be done with little preparation. One can train to do Pranayama very quickly. The Pranayama video below will give an introduction.
Pranayama for endometriosis
Armed with this knowledge and detailed information, we hope you have a better idea and understanding of what endometriosis is and how it affects your body physically; and, in turn mentally and emotionally. We have the answers to your questions.
Please get in touch with Ayurwoman via email, phone or contact form. We will be only happy to help you with your queries regarding Ayurveda or ways to manage manage Endometriosis with Ayurveda. Do visit our Melbourne office or speak with one of our staff members today.