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Hot flushes

Hot flushes


Majority of women passing through the menopause stage experience hot flushes, insomnia  and increase in  body temperature. Ayurwoman has sound experience in tailoring individually suited menopause treatments.

We have a customised set of ayurvedic therapies which are individually tailored based on an individual’s ayurvedic dosha type and other existing indications or illnesses if any.

Menopausal treatments

While there is no standard treatment for this natural phenomena, an ayurvedic body analysis or a dosha analysis will be used to to tailor an individually customised treatment and diet plan.

Panchakarma is a good starting point for managing menopause symptoms. Panchakarma includes mild detox procedures and has deep relaxation treatments. These therapies are cooling in nature, are nurturing for the body and  are also harmonious to your body thermostat.

Number of hot flushes normally drop with these therapies. Interval between two bouts of hot flushes are also seen to increase significantly with these therapies.

Other treatment options include:

What is menopause

Menopause is the beginning of a new and often liberating and empowering phase of life for a woman. Although it marks the end of cyclic functioning of the ovaries and thus the menstrual periods, it is a natural transition to a phase of life that can last 30 to 40 years or even longer. The average age of western woman at menopause is 51.

Menopause natural treatment

According to Ayurveda each person is unique. Since we all have unique constitution or genetic make up, menopausal symptoms and experiences can also be different. Your life-style and stress level especially few years before menopause, hereditary factors and other major life events like a divorce in some cases or a death of a loved one in some other cases can aggravate the symptoms.

In Ayurveda, menopausal symptoms are regarded as imbalances of the ‘doshas’ (vata, pitta and kapha) occuring as a natural and gradual consequence of aging.

Symptoms of Menopause

Treatment for hot flushes

Ayurveda has excellent solutions for a safe and happy transition into menopause. Feel free to contact our Ayurveda Practitioner to discuss more on how to use Ayurveda to manage menopause. Ayurvedic treatment for menopause involves correcting dosha imbalance with appropriate diet, medications and internal detoxification or panchakarma treatments. Simultaneous Yoga and exercises will strengthen the nervous system, cardiovascular system and musculo-skeletal systems.

Ayurvedic Diet should be dosha based, easily digestible, rich in phyto estrogen, iron, calcium and vitamins.

Ayurvedic Medicines: Symptoms vary from individually so do treatments. Medicines are classical Ayurvedic preparations such as decoctions, syrups or arishtas, tablets and powders. These natural herbal supplements help women overcome menopausal symptoms specifically hot flushes.

Panchakarma or detox including abhyanga, shirodhara, purgation, vasthi, nasya and medicinal rice poultice will help in reducing the risk of obesity, memory loss and cardio vascular risks.

Rasayana treatments with milk decoctions, or with medicated ghee or with medicated jams and medicated powders will have a rejuvenating effect on whole body, especially on brain cells, bone cells, ovary and uterus.

Yoga and Meditation for correcting breathing, calming central nervous system and correcting the functions of pituitary glands, adrenal glands and other major hormone secreting glands.

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